Living Data

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned
that this program contains images and voices of deceased persons.

Living Data

My Paper Mind


My Paper Mind from Javan Ivey on Vimeo.

My Paper Mind 2008
Animation and sound: Javan Ivey Methods

"My Paper Mind" is an experimental animation exploring the "Stratastencil" technique that I've devised. Inspired by the Stratacut technique, Stratastencil is an additive process. Stratacut removes material to reveal another layer, while this technique adds another layer while still showing the layer before it. In this case, the material is paper, but I look forward to applying the concept to other mediums as well. For more information on how this particular piece was created, please visit

Javan Ivey, 2008

I'm really excited that [the animation] will be used to help move forward ideas of data visualization. That's always something I've been interested in, Visualization of abstract concepts. It's what led me into animation in the first place.

Javan Ivey, 2013