Living Data

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned
that this program contains images and voices of deceased persons.

Living Data

Visualising relationships

I dance, draw, make and animate. I collaborate with scientists and other artists to combine scientific data and sensory responses to visualise relationships in a changing world. While I may be the one who leads the storytelling of Living Data, the story I present does not belong to me or even to the amalgamation of research participants. Guided by Wilson (2008) I recognise the story as part of the relationships between us and the world.

Lisa RobertsVisual artist/interactive author 2014

Visualising relationships in the natural world...
microscopic cells and vast multicellular cities...

linked by intricate systems of communication...
primal expressions of connection.

Hormosira banksii (Neptune's necklace)
experiences increasingly variable temperatures...

C02 rises. Oceans warm and acidify.
Sea levels rise. Krill risk extinction.

Living Data: Conversations and collaborations...
bringing scientists and artists together.

Visualising data allows scientists and artists to see patterns within them
that have not been seen before.

Scientists recognise the role of art
in understanding climate change.

Will the intricate detailed forms of algae
simplify as they adapt to climate change?

Can these primal genetic ancestors provide
our most sustainable energy source?

An ancient Chinese calligraphic gesture
signifies human connection to Ocean.



Lisa Roberts:Dance, drawing, animation and video

with contributions from:


Jason Benedek, Electronic artist, University of Technology, Sydney:Motion capture

Martina Doblin, Scientist, University of Technology, Sydney:Hormosira banksii data/2013 Living Data forum presentation

Paul Fletcher, Animator,Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts:2013 Living Data exhibition, animation screening

Sophie Green, Musician/Composer, Australia:Improvised piano music

Graham Hosie, Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division:Plankton mesh screen

So Kawaguchi, Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division:Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) data

Eveline Kolijn, Artist, Canada:2013 Living Data exhibition, Ocean veil, printed installation

Ashley Macqueen, Dancer/Scientist, Australia:2011 Living Data, Improvised dance, Customs House Foyer, Sydney

Rose McGreevy, Artist, Australia:2013 Living Data exhibition, Going against the tide, Animated installation

Caterina Mocciola, Dancer/Choreographer, Australia:2012 Living Data, Improvised dance, Customs House Foyer, Sydney

Vikki Quill, Calligrapher/Language specialist, Australia

Dale Radford, University of Technology, Sydney:2013 Living Data forum

Melissa Smith, Artist/Curator, Australia:2013 Living Data exhibition, Dissolve II, 3D Pteropod shell print

Bojan Tamburic, Scientist, University of Technology, Sydney:Algal biofuel Living Laboratory

Leanne Thompson, Artist, Australia:2013 Living Data exhibition, Hitch hikers (phytoplankton) installation

VOA, Performance artists:2011 Living Data, Customs House Foyer, Sydney

Lawrence Wallen, Head of Design, University of Technology, Sydney:Oceanic Sydney, Customs House Foyer, Sydney

Shona Wilson, Artist, Australia:2013 Living Data exhibition, Diatoms, prints