Living Data
Polar Time
Polar Time 2013
Animation: Lisa Roberts
for Polar Time Virtual Institute
Story/data: So Kawaguchi Australian Antarctic Division
Music: 'Pan' from Six Metamorphoses after Ovid by Benjamin Britten.
Oboe: Stephanie Cooper
Southern Ocean sounds: Colleen Hughson
Sydney sounds: Lisa Roberts
Earth Orbit: Brad Freese
Lizards and fish: Edwin Bawdin
Antarctic krill: J.A.Kirkwood, Lisa Roberts
Antarctic sea ice: United States Geological Survey
Exectutive production: Ken Wilson
This animation was made for the 'Helmholtz Virtual-Institutes' research program to understand 'Biological timing in a changing marine environment: clocks and rhythms in pelagic organisms'. The animation visualises life evolving in sync with rhythmic changes in lightness and darkness. The Polar Time program is coordinated by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany. Other participating German universities are Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin and Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. Foreign partner institutions are University of Padua, Italy and The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD).