Living Data
Nigel Helyer
Disclaimers, Copyrights and Citations
Index of contributions
Nigel Helyer Artist, Australia
Living Data: Animating Change - Conversations(2012)
Living Data: Animating Change - Installation(2012)
Descriptor (Supplied by the artist).
Vox on the Rox is the first of a series of experimental sonic works to come out of an Art + Science collaboration between Dr. Nigel Helyer of SonicObjects; SonicArchitecture and Dr. Mary Anne Lea of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania.
The seeds of the collaboration were planted during the Forth International Conference on Bio-Logging (Hobart March 2011) when Nigel created an interactive sonic sound map from satellite bio-logging data collected by IMAS, Australian Antarctic Division and French scientists from tagged marine species around sub-Antarctic islands. The collaborators realised that the extensive and extremely complex datasets collected by for example southern elephant seals diving under Antarctic Ice, or transiting across the Southern Ocean, represent a considerable interpretive challenge and provided the potential for a hybrid art and science exploration of new methods and forms for manifesting the data.
The project is currently working to develop graphical scores from data that will be played in concert by musicians from the Conservatorium of Music ~ translating digital information via a process of data visualisation into musical sonifications. This four month collaboration has been funded under the Synapse programme of the Australian Network for Art and Technology matched by generous support from IMAS (UTAS) and the Conservatorium of Music (UTAS).