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"It is because science grows out of the preoccupations and pressures of everyday life
that its discoveries have, in the end, to be accessible to all of us."
Lisa Jardine, 1999. Ingenious Pursuits:
Building the Scientific Revolution p.8
Artist Shona Wilson talks about her experience of the creative process.
Sculptor Lenton Parr described art as conversation
A work of art is complete when it has a life of its own.
Creativity as Making Visible
Art and science can produce revelations of the invisible.
Passion for Science
A passion for science comes from wonder about how the natural world works.
Lisa, I like the way you have split up this recording and the context with the titles. I am struggling with watching myself trying to explain things I don't quite understand! Especially the Creativity As Making Visible where my hands do more than my brain! I would love to see my gestures traced here as an animation - what a dance or insect flight! ...I definitely don't feel quite comfortable with how I present here but that's ok - its imperfect just like me and in context it is a few moments in a journey.... I like the way I disappear at the end of the Passion for Science one.