Living Data:
2017 Conversations
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"Few will doubt that humankind has created a planet-sized problem for itself.
No one wished it so, but we are the first species to become a geophysical force,
altering Earth's climate, a role previously reserved for tectonics, sun flares, and glacial cycles."
E. O. Wilson, 1998. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge
p. 277-278
13 August 2017
What's the primal attraction of light painting?
Master Light Painter Peter Solness
declares his interest.
13 August 2017
Why not use our art for good?
Graffiti artists Phibs(a.k.a. Tim De Haan)
and George Rose show and tell.
25 July 2017
Art and science reveal
sex in the sea
2SER Radio reporter Nic Healey quizzes Lisa Roberts.
25 June 2017
Inner scientist and inner artist
Musician and psychologist Alison O'Carrollproposes that we're at our best
when we're at perfect balance between art and science.
28 April 2017
Water care and use
Marine scientist Ann-Marie Rohlfsexplains her research into river restoration
and meeting human needs for water.
21 April 2017
Changing minds
Marine scientist Samantha Goyenshares her knowledge of corals in our rapidly warming ocean.
10 April 2017
Expanding perception
Physicist Cameron Smithexplains how his work with Supercontinuum Optics
contributes to expanding perception.
22 March 2017
Making as thinking In progress
Artist Eveline Kolijnreflects on her practice as a maker and a thinker.
17 March 2017
Is evolution predictable?
Evolutionary biologist Sinead Collinsexplains how she and her Lab
design experiments to predict evolution.
15 March 2017
The mixing zones
Scientist James Hitchcockrelates changing patterns in nature
to rhythmic pulses and variations in music.
13 March 2017
Microbial loops
Scientist Angus Rawleinvestigates microbial loops in fresh water systems
and how these may change with big rain events.
13 March 2017
Artist and social scientist Jeremy Walkertells how he first trained to be an artist
and then as a writer about climate change and the history and philosophy of science.
8 March 2017
Modern Manuscript
Evolutionary biologist Professor Sinead Collinslaments the disconnection between science and art
and introduces the Modern Manuscript project as a way to reunite them.
19 February 2017
Current 1 & 2
Artist Megan Copeexplains how she worked with scientist Roberta Johnson
to combine her Indigenous knowledge with understanding Southern Ocean currents
and the chemistry of ocean acidification.
19 February 2017
Sight Cite Site
Scientist Karen Privatand artist Bonita Elyexplain how they combined scientific observation
and feelings of relationship to natural forms in Ku-ring-gai National Park.
17 February 2017
We'll All Go Together
Musician Mic Conwaycelebrates relationships in the Trumpovitch era.
7 February 2017
Data Choreography
William Gladstone(Bill) and Lisa Robertsask,
"How can we make visible what we know from scientific data,
and how we feel about the environment whose changes we measure?"
8 January 2017
Dummy Run
Mic Conwayasks "Could this really be the end?"