Living Data
Beijing City International School
Responses to Living Data take many forms
at the Beijing City International School May 15-23
How do teachers and students in China respond to Living Data?
Teachers and students across disciples and grades respond through dance, drama, writing and visual arts. Presentations are made to align with the focus of each group.
Artist and teacher Richard Todd draws and writes
in response to animation and music
made with climate change scientists:
Oceanic Living Data and ex Oceano,
the 2013-14 Lynchpin project.
Thursday 22nd. May
Collaborations between students evolve
as they share ways they relate to the data.
Grade 11, Thursday 22nd. May
Different methods are combined
to get a sense of phytoplankton forms
and their Ocean habitats.
Grade 11, Thursday 22nd. May
Paper forms and drawn, cut and coloured
to show how phytoplankton evolve
to survive at different Ocean depths.
Grade 4, Monday 19th. May
Teachers lead their students
of English, Music, Drama, and Visual Arts,
in dramatisations of how phytoplankton
sustain themseleves in the Ocean.
Grade 7, Thursday 15th. May