Living Data
Evolving conversations Lab 
3 Sept 2014 - 20 Nov 2014
University of Technology, Sydney, Tower Foyer
In Ultimo Science Festival, Sydney3-12 Sept 2014
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Curators: Lisa Robertswith Anita Marosszeky.Assisted by Jason Benedekand Andrew Purnell.
Exhibition design: Anita Marosszeky.
Contributors: Andrea Juan, Andrea Leigh, Anita Marosszeky, Anne Colville, Anthony Baker, Arjun Verma, Barbara Cuckson, Bill Gladstone, Caterina Mocciola, Catherine Nolan, Charlotte Robinson, Christian Evenhuis, Dale Radford, David Buckland, Douglas Quin, Eveline Kolijn, Jason Benedek, Jemima Eve, Jennifer Clark, Jennifer Keeler-Milne, John Gollan, Josh Wodak, Kirralee Baker, Leanne Thompson, Leo Murray, Lisa Roberts, Martina Doblin, Melissa Smith, Nasim Shah Mohamadi, Natalie Mazurek, Paul Fletcher, Paul Sutton, Rachael Leer, Simona Galimberti, Sue Anderson, Sue Fenech, Students of Richard Musgrove, Tienne Simons, Todd McMillan, Vikki Quill
5 minute Walk through
Camera/video: Lisa Roberts
Music: VOA/Matthew Dewey
To address climate means we have to act now in order to achieve a result decades into the future... To embrace a cultural shift as the necessary part of the solution requires the creative community to help vision the new and for art practice to inhabit reality on a different plane.
Although science is a universal global language it requires embodied languages of the arts to bring to life the observations, data and stories that are vital to understanding and stirring action. Through such programs as Cape Farewell, Sur Polar, Lynchpin and Living Data, a global community is of researchers is sharing practices to understand and act in response to major forces of change.
From the Arctic to the Antarctic, from the East to the West, over 30 scientists and artists cross the globe in conversations about sustaining life and minimising harmful human impacts. Central to the exhibition is the UTS Climate Change Cluster (C3) living laboratory of algae for developing sustainable biofuel. Highlights include music and video works inspired by scientific expeditions to the poles: Lynchpin's symphony "ex Oceano" that voices global changes in the ocean from which we have evolved; "Pregnant Walk" by David Buckland, of a gravid naked woman walking on ice towards an unknown future; "New Species" by Andrea Juan, envisaging future mutant giant algae; "Oceanic Living Data" by Lisa Roberts, combining key data of sea levels rising and underwater video with a motion captured Chinese calligraphic form for "Ocean".
6.00-7.30pm Wednesday 3rd September
MC: UTS Science PhD candidate Dale Radford
Program leader: Dr Lisa Roberts
Designer/co-curator: Anita Marosszeky
Speaker: Associate Professor Mark Diesendorf
Official opening: Dr Bem Le Hunte, UTS Course Director Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Media notices & reports
UTS Green, August 26, 2014
Notice by Seb Crawford, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
Art and science combine to bring data to life in new UTS exhibition
Art News Portal, August 22, 2014
Notice by Frankie Lee, Ultimo Science Festival
Living Data: Evolving Conversations at #UTS #usfsyd14@UltimoScience #science
Yvonne Davila, September 11, 2014
Article by Yvonne Davila
City of Sydney, What's On, August 25 - November 21, 2014
Notice by Frankie Lee, Ultimo Science Festival let's get local, August 25 - November 21, 2014
Notice by Frankie Lee, Ultimo Science Festival
Living Data: Evolving Conversations
Ultimo Science Festival, 3-12 September 2014
Notice by Frankie Lee
UTS Newsroom, August 04, 2014
Article by Hannah Jenkins
2SER - Sydney Educational Broadcasting Ltd, August 04, 2014
Interview by Sam, produced for radio and web by Vincent Su and Rabab Hannan
The Creativity of Science in Beyond the Lab
ABC Local, Broadcast September 13, 2014
Report by David Murray