Living Data
Evolving conversations 
University of Technology, Sydney Main Entrance Foyer, 3 Sept 2014 - 20 Nov 2014
In Ultimo Science Festival, Sydney3-12 Sept 2014
Paul Fletcher Collaborates with Jennifer Clark
Animation and sound interpret the division of a small element of a musical phrase, as a parallel to the experience of an algae embryo, dividing and multiplying successfully (developing into a richer ensemble of musical parts) under its optimum temperature and then becoming less cohesive, under stress and unsuccessful in its division at higher temperature.
Paul Fletcher 2014
Still from 'Ecosystem Engineers'
3- 15 minute short film
Performance and installation planned
What inspired the work (a question, a feeling)? Jenn Clarke's diagram and explanation of her work studying the effects of climate change on such a crucial pioneer and ecosystem engineer species.(Hormosira banksii) In particular her drawn observations of the algae embryo development under different temperatures.
How was it developed (what methods, processes)? Reading and spoken discussions. Analysis, translation, interpretation, in measured and intuitive and improvisational modes of working. Test animations and soundscape compositions allowed to inform the development of each other after starting with plans based on readings and reactions to complex interactions and developments of algae embryo in intertidal ocean environment. Such as: simply interpreting the division of a small element of musical phrase, as a parallel to the algae embryo, dividing and multiplying sucessfully(developing into a richer ensemble of musical parts) under its optimum temperature and then becoming less cohesive, under stress and unsuccessful in its division at higher temperature.
Who supported the work, financially and in kind?
The project is self funded. Data and stories are supplied by
Jennifer Clark, Climate Change Cluster (C3) Research Team, and Lisa Roberts.
Publications that have resulted from this work:
"Algae Data Music"
"Algae Data Music on Vimeo"
Literature: People, papers, books, exhibitions, or other things that inspired the work:
"Potential for Adaptation in Response to Thermal Stress in an Intertidal Macroalga." Clark, Jennifer S., Alistair G. B. Poore, Peter J. Ralph, and Martina A. Doblin. "Potential for Adaptation in Response to Thermal Stress in an Intertidal Macroalga." Journal of Phycology 49, no. 4 (2013): 630-39.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, VOL. 2, 1949 Fertilization experiments with Horinosira Banksii (Tnrn.) Done By TORE LEVRING
The Structure and Life History of Hormosira banksii
(Turner) Decaisne.*
What impacts do I hope my work will have? What feeling or message would you like people to take with them?
Appreciation, curiosity, wonder and respect for the utmost importance and fascinating complexity of the ocean environment that sustains us.
My interest in the natural landscape has included training and professional practice in Horticulture and Permaculture systems. I also have a Masters In Film & Television. I have produced many short films, public space projections and installations, soundtrack compositions and music and animation performances. Since 2000 I have been a Lecturer in Animation at the Victorian College of Arts (VCA) School of Film & Television, University of Melbourne.
Paul Fletcher, Animator, Lecturer, Victorian College of the Arts, Australia
Affiliations: Moving Image Narrative Research Cluster Victorian College of the Arts Faculty of VCA & MCM University of Melbourne & School of Film and Television Victorian College of the Arts Faculty of VCA & MCM University of Melbourne URL(s): Contact details: Title(s): The Ecosystem Engineers
Further engage: