Living Data
Evolving conversations 
University of Technology, Sydney Main Entrance Foyer, 3 Sept 2014 - 20 Nov 2014
In Ultimo Science Festival, Sydney3-12 Sept 2014
Simona Galimberti
How can the visual medium of photography represent science in a more accessible way to broader social groups, in order to educate, create awareness, and the hope to empower behaviour change?
Simona Galimberti
Celery stalk Photo 2014
The discovery of where nature and society meet, or with some effort try to co-exist, is where my interest lies. How can the use of visual communication achieve this discovery?
How can visual representation communicate environmental sciences effectively? How can the visual medium of photography represent science in a more accessible way to broader social groups, in order to educate, create awareness, and the hope to empower behaviour change? Can such education, by the means of effective visual elements of powerful imagery, create a greater understanding of the key environmental issues society are faced with today?
These are all questions I ask myself, and are yet to discover through research.
Simona Galimberti
Administrative Assistant,
Institute for Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology, Sydney