Living Data
Track changes Interactions 2018
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2018 (In progress)
Combining subjective responses and collective knowledge
How can Indigenous and non-Indigenous views
be combined to expand understanding of health as connection
with country and fellow living things?
This is a journal of how a team of scientists, artists and other scholars are developing an event for generating new understandings of health. The event is part of the 2018 Sydney Science program and will be video recorded for presenting on the Living Data website. Words below are part of our invitation to more scholars to join us.
Stories about health often focus on the optimal biological functioning of individual people in isolation. It is easy to forget that living things are connected and that the health of an individual involves their capacity to listen, engage with and respond physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually to changing environments. 'Lens on Health' invites you to hear Indigenous and non-Indigenous scientists, artists and other scholars tell what they know about relationships between the health of environments and human health. Learn hands-on how Indigenous cultural knowledge continues to be passed on through the languages of the arts and how Western science methods are universally used to predict how living things respond to changes in natural climate patterns. Explore the art and science of learning on virtual country through new media technology. Look through microscopes and draw tiny things. Make your own take-home message 'Lens' to remember your experience.
UTS Indigenous scholars in the Data Arena
L-R: Social Scientist Dr Megan Williams
and Engineer Dr Cat Kutay
Photo: Claire Sives. 25 June 2018