Living Data
Animations/Videos Objects Performances
Lisa Roberts with Jason Benedek, Bill Gladstone, Martina Doblin 2014
Oceanic Living Data 2014 Under water video and motion captured gestures are combine to reflect connectivity.
Lisa Roberts 2014
Diatomacae Diatoms from an 1850s slide collection are photographed, sequenced and set to music.
Lisa Roberts, Sue Anderson et al. Ongoing
Oceanic Living Data An animation evolves, like a scientific model, to reflect growing knowledge.
Paul Fletcher, Jennifer Clark 2013
Algae data Numeric data are exchanged for sounds to express responses of an alga to temperature variability.
Lisa Roberts, Barbara Cuckson 2013
Descent into the ocean Descent into Ocean is followed by a return to light.
Lisa Roberts, So Kawaguchi 2013
Life! Death Models based on current rates of fossil fuel consumption predict the demise of Antarctic krill.
Lisa Roberts, So Kawaguchi 2013
Euphausia superba Models based on current rates of fossil fuel consumption predict a grim future for krill.
Lisa Roberts, So Kawaguchi 2013
Polar time Life evolves in sync with rhythmic changes in lightness and darkness.
Lisa Roberts, Barbara Cuckson 2013
Krill dance I dance with Euphausia superba.
Lisa Roberts, So Kawaguchi 2013
Eye of krill Eyes of Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) are complex, beautiful and mysterious.
Lisa Roberts, Martina Doblin 2012
Algae dance A macro alga's experience of increasingly variable temperatures is expressed as a dance.
Malou Zuidema, Sue Anderson, Jorge Ramos, Felipe Briceno 2012
Forests of the sea Why are the Giant Kelp Forests of Tasmania disappearing?
Lisa Roberts, Martin Riddle, Dana Bergstrom, Aleks Terauds 2012
Ice free Antarctica What size and nature are the ice-free zones of the Antarctic continent?
Lisa Roberts, So Kawaguchi, Graeme Ewing 2010
Krill sex The entire mating dance of krill is first revealed through science and art.
Lisa Roberts, Dominic Hodgson 2008
Bubbles in the ice What can we measure in bubbles trapped in glacial ice?
Leo Murray 2008
Wake Up, Freak Out, Then Get a Grip An enlightened transmission assuming an audience of rational beings
Tom Frazer 2005
The boy who loved the rain Our connection to water and what happens when we stop caring about it